Saturday, March 29, 2008

The Eclectic

The Eclectic from Dublin have a lot of quality going on, from the state-of-the-art website (I know its only detail, but kudos for some great web design it has to be said) to the five gear laden musicians who have released a superbly recorded and produced EP called 'Breathe'.

Listing heavily towards the 'prog' edge of indie/heavy rock, The Eclectics have painstakingly crafted some fantastically well made songs. With layers, themes and carefully executed, expensive sounding production (loving the sampling on 'The Lobotomist'). Kevin O'Brien's vocals are self assured and in places silky smooth ('Scream') adding the gloss to the layers sounding every inch like Matt Bellamy (Muse). Each song sounds as if it has spent many months of rehearsal and studio time, and its paid off because the whole EP is lush. Rarely do I get unsigned bands presenting material as well finished and of as high quality as this.

Would I buy their EP? Damn right I would (and will) but on a tiny, cautionary note, while this is as good a slice of original, unsigned work as it gets the some stylings of similar bands such as Muse (Kevin is uncomfortably Bellamy-esque in parts) and Mogwai, that are very obvious but ultimately not debilitating. Forge their own path and the door is wide open for The Eclectics. Excellent stuff.

Review by Drumhead
RANK:****** 6 out of 6

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